Our Services

Every working day, we provide Subsidence & Underpinning Engineer Reports. In many cases, serious damages and expensive underpinning work can be avoided, by getting the best professional advice from the get-go. That’s where we come in.

An expert engineer report from Forensic Engineers will identify damages and causes and determine the best course of action.

Pre-Purchase Engineer Reports

Pre-Purchase Reports
Pre-purchase engineer reports

Purchasing a home is a significant investment, and understanding its structural condition is crucial. We offer comprehensive Pre-Purchase structural engineer reports specifically for subsidence, wall cracks, stump damages & building movements.

Wall and Floor Cracks

Cracked Interior Wall

Footing and slab movements, “heaving” or lifting, wall and ceiling cracks, doors and windows jamming are all signs of foundation movements

Wall cracks can be vertical, stepped or horizontal, and it can be due to settlements, lifting or rotational movements.

Underpinning – Is it needed?

Bored Pier Underpinning

Some methods of Underpinning are more effective in certain circumstances and often underpinning is not required at all!Our engineer inspection and following report will determine if underpinning is required.

Retaining Walls

Retaining Wall Collapse

Leaning, bowing or collapse of retaining walls can occur due to poor construction, poor drainage, hydrostatic pressure, soft foundations. An engineers report from a ‘Structural’ engineer can provide advice and recommendations.

Swimming Pool Structural reports

Crushed Pool

Swimming pools can be damaged by poor installation, aggressive soil conditions (shrink and swell), ground water (hydrostatic pressure) and sometimes flooding (scour and erosion).

Contact Us

Contact Forensic Engineers

Make sure you contact us at Forensic Engineers for any Structural Engineering report you need.

Contact Forensic Engineers

Subsidence, Wall Cracks

Footing and slab movements, “heaving” or lifting, wall and ceiling cracks, doors and windows jamming are all signs of foundation movements

Wall cracks can be vertical, stepped or horizontal, and it can be due to settlements, lifting or rotational movements. 

Warning signs of subsidence

  • Cracked exterior or interior walls & ceilings
  • Eaves gaps
  • Gaps opening around doors & windows
  • Gaps under skirting boards

Act early, for peace-of-mind

Every working day, we provide Subsidence & Underpinning Engineer Reports. In many cases, serious damages and expensive underpinning work can be avoided, by getting the best professional advice from the get-go. That’s where we come in.  An expert engineer report from Forensic Engineers will identify damages and causes and determine the best course of action.

FOR Sale; Pre-purchase Engineer Reports for subsidence

Building & Pest Reports often find wall cracks & recommend getting an Engineer Report. Forensic Engineers Structural Engineer Reports include:

  • Investigate the building exterior & interior for building cracks & any evidence of footing or slab movements
  • Determine if they are old or recent movements and if damages are serious or wear & tear
  • Take hydraulic floor slab or wall levels
  • Determine likely causes of the damages & give recommendations for repairs.
  • If no underpinning is required there is peace-of-mind.
  • If any underpinning is required, advise which method is appropriate, approximate number and locations, reliable underpinners & approximate costs of underpinning.
Cracked Interior Wall
Exterior Wall Cracks

Underpinning Options

Contact Forensic Engineers before paying tens of thousands of dollars for underpinning. Some methods are more effective in certain circumstances and often underpinning is not required at all! Our Engineer Reports are 100% independent, and we aren’t trying to sell you anything.

Conventional concrete piers & headstocks.

These are the most common and are the industry standard, due to practicality, reliability and cost efficiency. We recommend this method in 95% of our Engineer Subsidence Reports where Underpinning is required. It is the industry standard.

Steel Screw Piers

Steel screw piers are generally utilized where deep piers are required or where a high water-table causes excavation problems.

Some Steel Screw Pier Underpinning Companies only use steel piers, which are massively over-priced, and they do not offer conventional underpinning, even in cases where it is the cheaper and more practical option.

The best Underpinning companies can supply and install Conventional Bored piers or Steel Screw piers, or a combination of both.

And the best Underpinning Companies look for the best and most practical & affordable solutions.

Urethane Resin Injection.

There are some cases where this may be a viable method of underpinning. But we strongly advise getting an independent Engineer Report before considering this procedure.  There can be limitations in residential applications. Ground (geotechnical) conditions, the budget of material injected, the design of the slab and footings and other issues can significantly affect the achievable results.

Contact Forensic Engineers before signing up for any type of underpinning. Our Engineer Reports are 100 % independent. And we are not trying to sell you anything.

Bored pier underpinning
Steel Screw Piers
Steel Screw Piers
Urethane Resin Underpinning
Urethane Resin Underpinning

Underpinning – Independent Structural Engineer Reports

Some Underpinners arrange an engineer subsidence report as part of their sales procedure.

The fee is double that of companies such as Forensic Engineers and the report is from their own, paid engineer.

In many cases underpinning MAY NOT BE NECESSARY AT ALL.

But if it is, regardless of what company or type of underpinning, an Independent Structural Engineer Report is essential. 

Underpinning Design

We work exclusively with the best Underpinning Design Engineers.



Swimming Pools & Retaining Wall Reports

Swimming pools can be damaged by poor installation, aggressive soil conditions (shrink and swell), ground water (hydrostatic pressure) and sometimes flooding (scour and erosion).

Leaning, bowing or collapse of retaining walls can occur due to poor construction, poor drainage, hydrostatic pressure, soft foundations.

Insurance Investigator for Storm Damage

What sets FORENSIC ENGINEERS apart is our professionalism, diligence and speed – inspect and report in a matter of days, not weeks!.


So contact FORENSIC ENGINEERS next time you need engineering advice for subsidence, wall cracks and underpinning.